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Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka

Medical location Dhaka, Bangladesh | 4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review


Type of College





Dhaka, Bangladesh


University of Dhaka

Approved By



4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Overview of Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka

Ibn Sina Medical College(ISMC) is a private medical college located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. "Ibn Sina Medical College" offers 5 years MBBS course approved by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, BMDC, MCI, WHO, Govt. of BangladeshAffiliated by the University of Dhaka, recognized by Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BMDC).

The college is affiliated with the University of Dhaka and recognized by Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council, the competent authority of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 

The students of 10th batch are now starting their internship in our own hospital. The admission procedure of session 2019-2020 is now on-line. The admission is based on merit keeping in conformity with Government order published and adopted by the Academic Council and adorned by the Governing Body of ISMC.


1. To produce doctor with high professional knowledge and skill. 

2. To blend them with ethical values. 

3. To teach bio-medical sciences with its recent advancements, so that they can meet the present-day healthcare needs and challenges. 

4. To produce a disciplined, motivated and enthusiastic doctor to instil the highest level of efficiency for caring patient with compassion and competence. 

5. To provide wide knowledge of the community and economic conditions of the country imbuing them in value and nation to improve it applying professional attitude, manners and skills. 

6. To inspire the development of essential human qualities, a strong sense of righteousness and basic ability to serve the suffering humanities irrespective of economy, caste, religion and strata.

Capability & Facility

1. Dhaka University permitted 56 students for admission in each year. 

2. Capable to run academic activities for 100 students (we applied for). 

3. Building-up the motif amongst the graduates to prosecute further studies leading to specialization in a suitable and feasible field. 

4. Capable of resuming young doctors in different subjects for their own. 

5. Treatment facility from ISMCH for students 

a. 100% consultant fee is free. 
b. 50% of Investigation & 50% of Hospital bill is free. 
c. Medicine bill is not free.


Ibn Sina Medical College is located in the centre of the metropolitan city at 1/1-B, Kallyanpur, Dhaka-1216. The 14 storied academic building is housing all the departments and 350 beds academic hospital in-site.

Courses & Fee

Courses offered by Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka

MBBS (5 Yrs.)

USD 45000$/-

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Admission Details of Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka

MBBS Course from Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka


University of Dhaka


4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Fees Structure

For Overseas Students (Session:2023-2024)

Five years MBBS Course Fees (Package)$45,000


01. For Seat Booking $12,000
02. At the time of admission $18,000
03. Rest $15,000 has to be paid in 10 (Ten) equal installment at the rate of $1,500 at six months interval after admission.
04. Dhaka University Registration & Ministry Fees $2000 payable at within one month after admission which is not included in above mentioned fees.
05. Intern Fees $2500 payable at within one year after admission which is not included in above mentioned fees.
06. The Professional Exam Fees (Approximately $600) not included in above fees.
07. Hostel lodging fees monthly $70 equivalent BDT payable within 10 days of the running month.
08. Utility charges for the hostel monthly $25 equivalent BDT has to be paid within the first 10 days of the running month (if AC is used additional charge would be required).
09. Food & Other personal expenses are excluded from above fees that would be paid by the student on monthly basis.

***Interim fee for the session 2025-2026 and subject to change as per the guidelines of State Level Fee Determination Committee, Government of Dhaka**.

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Facilites of Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Girls Hostel

Medical Facilities

Medical Facilities






Eligibility Criteria of Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka

Eligibility criteria for admission to the MBBS course 2023-24:

  • Must have passed Qualifying examination (HSC/'A') or equivalent examination.
  • SSC/'O' level or equivalent examination be passed 3 years of HSC/'A' level or equivalent.
  • HSC/ 'A' or equivalent examination be passed in 2023/ 2022.
  • Minimum aggregate GPA in SSC 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 7 GPA
  • Minimum GPA in SSC/ 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 3GPA
  • Minimum GPA in Biology: 3.5 
  • For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in SC/ 'O' level or equivalent exam, only the top 5
    subjects are considered. Therefore, GPA in "O' levcl= (total marks obtained in top five subjectsy5.
    The optional subject shall be considered if GPA is below 5 (five)
    For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in HSC/'A' level or equivalent exam, only 3 subjects
    (Physics. Chemistry and Biology) are considered for calculation GPA. Qualifying Grade in each subject
    individually is 'C'. Therefore, GPA in 'A' level = (total marks obtained in three subjects)/3.

You have to undertake the following steps if you decided to get admitted into Ibn Sina Medical College.

  • Get the photocopies of the following documents attested from the foreign ministry of your country.
    i. School/College graduation certificates
    ii. Mark/grade sheet
    iii. School leaving certificate (Testimonial)
    iv. Copy of Passport
    v. Two passport-size photographs of the applicant.
  • Download the MBBS admission form’ from the website of the Bangladesh Foreign Ministry(www. and fill it up. You must mention your medical college of choice.
  • Pay $70 (Subject to change) in any bank in your country in favor of DGHS and get the receipt.
  • Deposit your attested documents, bank receipt, and filled admission form to the Bangladesh Embassy of your country for processing of Grade Equivalency and permission from the Government of Bangladesh. You can do this job by yourself or by an agent.
  • Send copies of your certificates, mark sheets, passport, and a letter of intent to the Ibn Sina Medical College Authorized representative (Email: [email protected] or WhatsApp: +918499000022) for booking of your seat.
  • Having received the permission letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the grade equivalency of your certificates, the CareerMarg office would inform you and proceed with your admission.

All selected candidates must apply through the Embassy of Bangladesh for obtaining an equivalence certificate for confirmation of admission.


Video of Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

CareerMarg has Experienced Counsellor who are available 24x7 to guide you and make you get the best colleges in the world. You can talk to us anytime and we are always ready to help you. If you have any queries regarding anything, you can contact us and our customer service executives will be happy to help you and provide you with information.

MBBS is of 5 Years + 1 year internship.

Yes,the Course Curriculum is approved by the Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BM&DC) & Dhaka University.

Ibn Sina Medical College was established in 2005.


Location of Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka


Student Reviews for Ibn Sina Medical College (ISMC) Dhaka

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2 Reviews









Naadir star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 16th July 2022


The students are provided great practical and theoretical knowledge to pursue post graduation or practice from anywhere in the world.

Aarif Khan star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 16th July 2022

Quality of Education

The educational infrastructure is comparatively more developed than other European and western countries.

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