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International Medical College & Hospital (IMC) Gazipur

Medical location Gazipur, Bangladesh | 4.2 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review


Type of College





Gazipur, Bangladesh


University of Dhaka

Approved By



4.2 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Overview of International Medical College & Hospital (IMC) Gazipur

International Medical College & Hospital (IMC) is private medical located in Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh. It was established in the year 2000 after completing all formal procedures and after obtaining permission from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It started with 20 students in the academic session 1999-2000. Since then the number of students progressively has been increasing every year.

The International Medical College & Hospital is located on the outskirts of the commercial township of Tongi and is about 22 km away from the city center of Dhaka. The major bus stands/terminals, railway station, and Shahjalal International Airport are within a maximum distance of 30 minutes.

The campus stands in a solitary environment amidst green vegetation, spaced villages and large water bodies. One takes a walk around the campus to take a fresh breath while enjoying the panorama and picturesque that the site offers. Everything combines and converges here to make it a perfect place for learning.

The present campus of the College has an area of about 9 acres of land. The college and all preclinical and para-clinical departments are located in the academic building. The Classrooms, Dissection hall, Laboratories, Museum, Library, and other facilities are appropriately arranged on various floors of the Academic Building.

International Medical College Hospital (IMCH) is the academic hospital of the College. It is a 650 bedded multidisciplinary Hospital Complex that is located in proximity to the College building.

IMC always gives preference to students’ affairs on priority basis. Since we believe that a tranquil, soothing lodging is an inevitable necessity, especially for medical students, we have arranged well-furnished accommodations for male and female students in two separate hostels. Three-storied Boys' Hostel is located on the bank of the lake inside the campus. The newly built three-storied Girls' Hostel is situated beside the College building. There are separate blocks for foreign male and female students. Both the hostels are adequately furnished with articles needed for everyday living and entertainment. Well trained cooks for both local and foreign students are provided by the College for both the hostels.

Course and Curriculum

The course offered (MBBS) is of 5 years duration + 1 Internship. The curriculum is approved by the University of Dhaka and BMDC, and it is strictly followed in the college.

MBBS Course

  • Pre-clinical subjects: Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry.
  • Para-clinical subjects: Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Pharmacology, Pathology and Microbiology.
  • Clinical subjects: Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medicine, Surgery, and their allied subjects.


Courses & Fee

Courses offered by International Medical College & Hospital (IMC) Gazipur

MBBS (5 Yrs.)

USD 44,000/-

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Admission Details of International Medical College & Hospital (IMC) Gazipur

MBBS Course from International Medical College & Hospital (IMC) Gazipur


University of Dhaka

Approved By



4.2 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Fees Structure

MBBS Fees Structure of International Medical College for Foreign Students (Session: 2023-24)Batch: IMC-25


a1st Time of AdmissionUSD 10,000 as Booking within 14 days  
USD 10,000 by 1st December, 2023
20,000 US$
b2nd InstallmentWithin 30 April-20245,500 US$
c3rd InstallmentWithin 1st October-20245,500 US$
d4th InstallmentWithin 1st April-20255,000 US$
e5th InstallmentWithin 1st October-20255,000 US$
f6th InstallmentWithin 1st April-20264,500 US$
g7th InstallmentWithin 1st October-20264,500 US$
  Total: Fifty Thousand US$ (Only)50,000 US$

Special Note: 

Candidates in need of air conditioned accommodation will have to pay an additional amount of BDT 3,500/- per month per seat. This amount is to be paid in local currency on monthly basis.

The total College expenses for 5-yr course (including Non AC accommodation) is US$ 50,000. Charges for AC Accommodation & Monthly food charges are payable separately. During 1 year internship at IMCH an intern will be entitled to internship allowance. A) Seats will be filled up on first-come first-served basis. B) A seat should be booked by US$ 10,000 within 14 days of issuance of offer letter. However, the applicant must complete payment of US$ 10,000 by 1st December, 2023. By the above mentioned deadline one must complete the remittance of 1st installment. Otherwise offer would no longer be valid and we cannot assure the seat. 

For any student requiring more than 6 yrs for completion of course and internship (with regular batch) would require to pay additional USD 300 for every six months (or part of it) as hostel rent and USD 2000 for as tuition fees for 1year (or part of it). 

Admission will be confirmed after completion of 1st installment and submission of Equivalence Certificate (EC) from DGHS, subjected to existing government rules & regulations. Applicant must submit a medical fitness certificate and appear in an online interview.

***Interim fee for the session 2025-2026 and subject to change as per the guidelines of State Level Fee Determination Committee, Government of Dhaka**.

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Eligibility Criteria of International Medical College & Hospital (IMC) Gazipur

Eligibility criteria for admission to the MBBS course 2023-24:

  • Must have passed Qualifying examination (HSC/'A') or equivalent examination.
  • SSC/'O' level or equivalent examination be passed 2 years of HSC/'A' level or equivalent.
  • HSC/ 'A' or equivalent examination be passed in 2022/ 2023.
  • Minimum aggregate GPA in SSC 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 8 GPA
  • Minimum GPA in SSC/ 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 3GPA
  • Minimum GPA in Biology: 3.5 
  • For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in SC/ 'O' level or equivalent exam, only the top 5
    subjects are considered. Therefore, GPA in "O' levcl= (total marks obtained in top five subjectsy5.
    The optional subject shall be considered if GPA is below 5 (five)
    For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in HSC/'A' level or equivalent exam, only 3 subjects
    (Physics. Chemistry and Biology) are considered for calculation GPA. Qualifying Grade in each subject
    individually is 'C'. Therefore, GPA in