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MH Samorita Medical College (MHSMC) Dhaka

Medical location Dhaka, Bangladesh | 4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review


Type of College





Dhaka, Bangladesh


University of Dhaka

Approved By



4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Overview of MH Samorita Medical College (MHSMC) Dhaka

Bangladesh is densely populated country in the world with a population about 160 million.Bangladesh has a unique health system starting from ministry of Health & Family Welfare(MOH&FW) in the capital to health Assistant at grass-root level.But due to shortage of budget the service coverage is not adequate and uniform throughout the country.Privatization of Health care service is very important for Bangladesh. With this feeling MH Samorita Hospital & Medical College, Dhaka started its journey in 2010 with the permission from the MOH&FW of Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh & Universities of Dhaka. All praise is for Allah.

MH samorita Medical College and Dental Unit have taken steps to fulfill this gap and aspiration of the students in the prevailing situation.There is also a 500 bedded teaching hospital attached to MH Samorita Medical College.This Hospital is a well equipped hospital delivering both general and specialized services including ICU, Cath Lab, CT Scan, CCU,  NICU, HDU & Dialysis unit.

Our Challenge is to establish this Medical College and attached Hospital as a center of excellence keeping its quality, cost and satisfaction of all stakeholders and  with great respect to our cultures and values. It has already traversed 7 years by winning these challenges. Now the college has gained confidence to become capable to educate national and foreign students.

Students will get admission into the college to learn and practice for long five years and finally come out as physician, who will serve the mankind with deep care and competence.

Courses & Fee

Courses offered by MH Samorita Medical College (MHSMC) Dhaka

MBBS (5 Yrs.)

USD 420000/-

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Admission Details of MH Samorita Medical College (MHSMC) Dhaka

MBBS Course from MH Samorita Medical College (MHSMC) Dhaka


University of Dhaka


4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Fees Structure

SL No.  Details USD
1. Admission fee(US$) $ 18,000
2. 1st Installment dated 01.12.2022 $8,000
3. 2nd Installment dated 01.12.2023 $8,000
4. 3rd Installment dated 01.12.2024 $8,000

Grand Total
$ 42,000

***Interim fee for the session 2025-2026 and subject to change as per the guidelines of State Level Fee Determination Committee, Government of Dhaka**.

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Facilites of MH Samorita Medical College (MHSMC) Dhaka

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Girls Hostel

Medical Facilities

Medical Facilities






Eligibility Criteria of MH Samorita Medical College (MHSMC) Dhaka

Eligibility criteria for admission to the MBBS course 2021-22:

  • Must have passed Qualifying examination (HSC/'A') or equivalent examination.
  • SSC/'O' level or equivalent examination be passed 3 years of HSC/'A' level or equivalent.
  • HSC/ 'A' or equivalent examination be passed in 2021/ 2020.
  • Minimum aggregate GPA in SSC 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 8 GPA
  • Minimum GPA in SSC/ 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 3GPA
  • Minimum GPA in Biology: 3.5 
  • For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in SC/ 'O' level or equivalent exam, only the top 5
    subjects are considered. Therefore, GPA in "O' levcl= (total marks obtained in top five subjectsy5.
    The optional subject shall be considered if GPA is below 5 (five)
    For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in HSC/'A' level or equivalent exam, only 3 subjects
    (Physics. Chemistry and Biology) are considered for calculation GPA. Qualifying Grade in each subject
    individually is 'C'. Therefore, GPA in 'A' level = (total marks obtained in three subjects)/3.

You have to undertake the following steps if you decided to get admitted into MH Samorita Medical College.

  • Get the photocopies of the following documents attested from the foreign ministry of your country.
    i. School/College graduation certificates
    ii. Mark/grade sheet
    iii. School leaving certificate (Testimonial)
    iv. Copy of Passport
    v. Two passport-size photographs of the applicant.
  • Download the MBBS admission form’ from the website of the Bangladesh Foreign Ministry(www. and fill it up. You must mention your medical college of choice.
  • Pay $70 (Subject to change) in any bank in your country in favor of DGHS and get the receipt.
  • Deposit your attested documents, bank receipt, and filled admission form to the Bangladesh Embassy of your country for processing of Grade Equivalency and permission from the Government of Bangladesh. You can do this job by yourself or by an agent.
  • Send copies of your certificates, mark sheets, passport, and a letter of intent to the MH Samorita Medical College Authorized representative (Email: [email protected] or WhatsApp: +918499000022) for booking of your seat.
  • Having received the permission letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the grade equivalency of your certificates, the CareerMarg office would inform you and proceed with your admission.

All selected candidates must apply through the Embassy of Bangladesh for obtaining an equivalence certificate for confirmation of admission.


Video of MH Samorita Medical College (MHSMC) Dhaka


Location of MH Samorita Medical College (MHSMC) Dhaka


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1 Reviews









Aman star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 16th July 2022


Have highly professional medical staff with modern amenities.

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