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Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj

Medical location Manikganj, Bangladesh | 4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review


Type of College





Manikganj, Bangladesh


University of Dhaka

Approved By



4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Overview of Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj

Monno Medical College is a private medical College located in Manikganj, Bangladesh. Monno Medical College is affiliated with Dhaka University to develop outstanding clinicians according to the core competencies of patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning, communication, professionalism, and system-based practice. A unique combination of longitudinal mentorship, resident collegiality, and patient-centered care provides a supportive environment that serves as the foundation for career advancement, scientific development, practice opportunity, and leadership for a doctor.

  • Over 10 years of experience.
  • Experienced Doctor.
  • Improving every day.
  • Emergency Care.
  • Pharmacy Support.
  • Outdoor Checkup.

The Hospital is existing in natural beauty and serenity, It is functioning within a five-storied building having 1, 42,00sqft. Floor space along with 500 beds. The hospital is facilitated with different types of medical equipment, machine, and tools with the latest specifications and configurations. There are efficient and dedicated doctors, nurses, and staff ready to serve the patients. The hospital of the medical college is placed in a five-storied building. It is annexed by a two-storied building along with an outdoor and emergency department and another adjacent two-storied building is occupied by the pathology and imaging department. The following disciplines are maintained within three buildings. Monno Medical College is one of the best choice for Study MBBS in Bangladesh.


To be an academic of “the first choice” to transform lives that will contribute to securing the world towards a better place at whatever level of human endeavor they are involved.


Ensuring a better place for the students in terms of studying medical science, saving lives of the patients in terms of quality services and world-class treatment facilities, and securing the prestigious livelihood of the students in terms of the global job market.


Monno Medical College and Hospital is an absolutely non-profitable organization which is a concern of Monno Welfare Foundation. Its objectives are;

  • To provide qualified, skilled, active, dedicated doctors having the capabilities and endurance to work in any adverse/unfavorable conditions/ situations in the national and international arena.
  • To provide need-based training to the doctors, nurses, and other health allied personnel.
  • To provide training to develop professional competence to undertake research activities.
  • To create an environment for post-Graduate training & studies.
  • To provide treatment and other health care services to the local and non-local people with affordable expenses.

Courses & Fee

Courses offered by Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj

MBBS (5 Yrs.)

USD 45,000/-

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Admission Details of Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj

MBBS Course from Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj


University of Dhaka

Approved By



4 star_review star_review star_review star_review star_review

Fees Structure

Fees & charges for foreign students for admission into MBBS course (Session 2023-2024) in Monno Medical College, Manikganj, Bangladesh under the university of Dhaka.

Booking FeeUS$ 5,000.00
Admission Confirmation FeeUS$ 15,000.00
During Admission time total to be paid
(In words: Twenty thousand USD only)
 US$ 20,000.00

Schedule of Payment of Fees:

01For Seat reservationUS $ 5,000.00Payment time schedule will be declared after the govt. circular for application from the foreign students for admission into MBBS course in Bangladesh.
02At the time of admissionUS $ 15,000.00
031st Installment (after admission)US $ 7,500.00
042nd installmentUS $ 6,500.00
053rd InstallmentUS $ 5,500.00
064th InstallmentUS $ 5,500.00


US $ 45,000.00 

In Word: Forty-five thousand dollars (USD) only (Including Hostel Charges but not including clinical fees)

Early booking ensures higher possibilities to get the opportunity to be admitted.


  1. All professional examination fees are to be borne by the student.
  2. If any foreign student needs to complete their internship from this Medical College, He/ She must deposit US$ 2250/- as clinical fee (After appearing in the 1st professional MBBS Exam) which is to be decided by the proper authority.
  3. Any fees imposed by the Govt. /VAT other than mentioned above (if any) are to be borne by the student.
  4. In case a student fails to complete the course within the 5 years' (60 months) tenure due to his/her own reasons, he/she will have to pay additional six months' tuition and hostel fees of USD 850/-(USD eight hundred fifty) only for each term of six months.
  5. The students have to take their foods from the hostel dining / cafeteria at their own cost. 
  6. Payment should be made only through remittance to our Bank in favor of our bank account as
    Name of Account: Monno Medical College
    Account No: 07611100012308
    Name of Bank: EXIM Bank Ltd., Manikganj, Bangladesh.
    Swift Code No: EXBKBDDH
  7. All the charges are subjected to be changed (If needed or decided by the authority).
  8. Students must attain eligibility from the DGME before admission or any other condition
    subject to be imposed by the DGME or "Ministry of Health and family Welfare of the Peoples' Republic of Bangladesh". The college authority reserves the right to cancel the admission of any students if any of the documents placed by him/her is found fake or fabricated or due to any others reasons.
  9. An agreement to be signed by the student, guardian of the student, consultant and the college authority before admission.

***Interim fee for the session 2025-2026 and subject to change as per the guidelines of State Level Fee Determination Committee, Government of Dhaka**.

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Facilites of Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Boys Hostel

Girls Hostel

Medical Facilities

Medical Facilities

Safety & Security

Safety & Security






Eligibility Criteria of Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj

Eligibility criteria for admission to the MBBS course 2023-24:

  • Must have passed Qualifying examination (HSC/'A') or equivalent examination.
  • SSC/'O' level or equivalent examination be passed 3 years of HSC/'A' level or equivalent.
  • HSC/ 'A' or equivalent examination be passed in 2023/ 2022.
  • Minimum aggregate GPA in SSC 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 8 GPA
  • Minimum GPA in SSC/ 'O' level or equivalent and HSC / 'A' level or equivalent examination: 3GPA
  • Minimum GPA in Biology: 3.5 
  • For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in SC/ 'O' level or equivalent exam, only the top 5
    subjects are considered. Therefore, GPA in "O' levcl= (total marks obtained in top five subjectsy5.
    The optional subject shall be considered if GPA is below 5 (five)
    For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in HSC/'A' level or equivalent exam, only 3 subjects
    (Physics. Chemistry and Biology) are considered for calculation GPA. Qualifying Grade in each subject
    individually is 'C'. Therefore, GPA in 'A' level = (total marks obtained in three subjects)/3.

You have to undertake the following steps if you decided to get admitted into Monno Medical College.

  • Get the photocopies of the following documents attested from the foreign ministry of your country.
    i. School/College graduation certificates
    ii. Mark/grade sheet
    iii. School leaving certificate (Testimonial)
    iv. Copy of Passport
    v. Two passport-size photographs of the applicant.
  • Download the MBBS admission form’ from the website of the Bangladesh Foreign Ministry(www. and fill it up. You must mention your medical college of choice.
  • Pay $70 (Subject to change) in any bank in your country in favor of DGHS and get the receipt.
  • Deposit your attested documents, bank receipt, and filled admission form to the Bangladesh Embassy of your country for processing of Grade Equivalency and permission from the Government of Bangladesh. You can do this job by yourself or by an agent.
  • Send copies of your certificates, mark sheets, passport, and a letter of intent to the Monno Medical College Authorized representative (Email: [email protected] or WhatsApp: +918499000022) for booking of your seat.
  • Having received the permission letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the grade equivalency of your certificates, the CareerMarg office would inform you and proceed with your admission.

All selected candidates must apply through the Embassy of Bangladesh for obtaining an equivalence certificate for confirmation of admission


Video of Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

The fee structure for Monno Medical college is USD 42000/- (TOTAL PACKAGE).

The College is affiliated with the Dhaka University(DU)as a constituent college since 2011.

Monno Medical College has been approved by the BMDC, MCI, WHO.

Monno Medical College was established in 2011.

Monno Medical College is located  in Manikganj,Bangladesh.



Student Reviews for Monno Medical College (MoMC) Manikganj

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5 Reviews









Shahabuddin star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 13th July 2022

Recommended place to study

Nice infrastructure, great academics overall a gud place to study.

Hassan Ali star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 13th July 2022


The teachers are very helpful and supportive.

Mahira Khan star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 13th July 2022


The teachers are very helpful and supportive.

Iqbal Ahmed star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 13th July 2022

Best College for MBBS.

International Student Friendly.

Jawed star_review 4.0
Reviewed on – 23rd September 2020

Good Infrastructure

Big Campus

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